Saturday, May 21, 2011

No one knows the day or time....Only the Father knows.

      Many times people have " predicted " the end of the world or the coming of Christ .... And how many times has the world ended ? How many people were correct in their " predictions " ? None, The world has not ended and Christ has yet to return .... So why do people continue to " predict " the end of the world. Or the coming of Christ ?

      Mark 13: 32 & 35 - 36
*(32).No one knows when that day or time will be, Not the angels in heaven not even the Son.Only the Father knows.* (35).So always be ready because you don't know when the owner of the house will come back.It might be in the evening or at midnight or in the morning while it is still dark or when the sun rises.(36).Always be ready.Otherwise He might come back suddenly and find you sleeping.  

      Matthew 24: 36 - 41 & 44 

(36.) No one knows when that day or time will be, not the angels in heaven, Not even the Son. Only the father knows. (37) When the Son of Man comes, it will be like what happened during Noah's time. (38) In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving their childern away to be married, until the day Noah entered the boat. (39) They knew nothing about what was happening until the flood came and destroyed them. It will be the same when the Son of Man comes. (40) Two men will be in the field. One will be taken and the other will be left. (41) Two women will be grinding grain with a mill, One will be taken the other will be left. (44) So you must always be ready because the Son of Man will come at a time you don't expect Him.  
      Just as the Bible says NO ONE but the Father knows when Christ will return. "If the Lord Jesus was to return today or even tomorrow, where would your soul be for eternity (Heaven or Hell)? How confident are you in your answer?" How are you living your life? Are you living walking with the Lord daily, sharing your faith in Him, obeying Him and showing His love in everything you do and say? Or are you living apart from God? Living in Sin, disobeying the Lord, showing people you dont care? If you know you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and you know your going to heaven: the end, Or death if it comes before will be nothing to fear because indeed you will be heaven. (. If you dont have a relationship with Christ then the end times, or death are something you fear greatly. People without Christ are in danger of spending all of eternity in Hell, seperated from God.  It is NEVER to late to start a relationship with the one who loved you enough to die for you so that you could be forgiven of your sins and live with Him forever in heaven, it is never to late to return to Him and Live for Him all the days of your life. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Act Of Obedience...

Saturday May 14th 2011 - Tomorrow  morning around 11.00am I will be getting baptised and I wanted to share the testimony I have written, But before I do let me paint a little picture for you of the past two and half years. As  will be stated in my testimony I accepted Christ at age 12. I followed Him all the days following. About a year later around the middle of grade seven I began to here God telling me I need to get baptised, it wasnt every sunday I went to church that I heard Him telling me this but some sundays it was almost as if it were a person sitting right next to me wispering in my ear, At the time I wasnt as strong in my relationship with Him as I was just after I accepted Him, or even as strong as I wanted to be, and because of the things going on around me satan had a hold on my life. So I kept telling myself "No, im not ready yet." And satan took that making it seem like the truth in my life. Satan made me think I knew better then God what I was to do....But I didnt. So I struggled with following the Lord through the act of declaring my faith through baptism. Satan continued to use my thoughts against for a while. But as I began to become stronger in my faith, as I began to pray more and spend more time with God, satan lost his hold on my life. On April 24th 2011 - easter sunday I made the decision to declare my faith and Follow  in obedience through Baptism. I cant even acuratley describe the feeling I had when I finally chose to obey Him. Its like when your carrying something around for a while and then you finally put it down, the relief it gives you is like something youve been waiting and waiting for it takes away the stress youve been carrying. So tomorrow morning is the day I will share my pre-written testimony and show my faith in my Lord! 

Here is the testimony of my years before and after accepting Christ....
____My testimony- Miranda Marie Lacombe____

Faith means being sure the things we hope and knowing something is real even if we do not see it. Hebrews 11:1 

I began my spiritual journey during grade six, at age 12. After everything around me started to change. In school all I ever wanted was to be friends the popular kids as it seemed they had perfect lives but as I started to talk to them more I realized they had trouble too, the hard things were just as hrad for them. All I wanted was a Father and friend. I wanted to feel love and accepted like never before. At church I alway heard things about how Christ can change your life and how much He wanted to be everything you are looking for.So on August 19th 2008  accepted Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. I finally had the father and friend I always wanted. I felt loved and accepted like never before.

When grade six ended and grade seven came; I spent time with Him every morning, talked to Him anywhere and shared my faith every chance I got. But when things around me started to change again, with some friends turning to drugs, others moving away school becoming harder and other things going on. I sacricficed everything that meant anything to me. I put aside my life and relationships to try and fix the problems around me. I was trying to to do everything at once. Attempting to follow the world and God. When all that became to much and I felt like nothing was working I gave up on my relationship with the Lord. Thinking I could so a better job then He was doing. Every morning I woke up hoping everything would change and my problems would go away. But every morning I walked without The Lord it was as if the walls around me were about to crumble. Nothing easier instead it became harder. But I didnt want to admit I was wrong so I continued down that path feeling just as I had before accepting Christ --> Lost confused overwhelmed and unloved.

Just after grade eight started I realized how miserable I really was, I no longer wanted to live without the Lord. I kneeled down and completely fell apart. I  decided I wanted deeply to live giving the Lord all the glory. He was the only one who was there no matter what. That night I ran back into the arms my Daddy, the only who could be in control of it all and do an mazing job. I felt like the most dazzling precious treasure. So stand strong with the belt of truth tied around your waist and the protection of right living on your chest. On your feet wear the good news of peace to help you stand strong. And also use the sheild of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows of the evil one.Accept God's gift of salvation as your helmet and take the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the spirit at all times asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never giveup. Always pray for all Gods people. - Ephesians 6:14-18 


I love being able to encourage people it brings me joy to bring joy to others. It encourages me when I am able to help those around me, even if its just by being kind to them when no one else is, saying a silent prayer for them, letting them borrow my only pencil in school or by sharing my testimony with my fellow believers.. It brings a smile to my face when I see others smile with true happiness. Im so glad I have the chance to show my faith through baptism on this sunday. - May 15th 2011 - I am glad I live in such a free country, as I am able to worship the Lord my God freely and openly.Its not always easy, but life is much more worth the living when your living for Jesus! Thank-you to all of the people who have lavished me in Love just as Christ would, Thank-you for helping me grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even physically. I am so blessed to have such amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer is that God will bless you all the days of your life. - Always. Thank-you for everything you do for everyone around you               - xo Miranda Marie ,<3

- None But Jesus