Saturday, February 26, 2011

One door closes but another opens.

The past five years of middle school has brought about a collection of trials but with victories trailing behind them. When grade four came and I knew i had to move on to middle school it was a scary thought that I might loose some friends and everything would change. When the time came that we started our middle school years things did indeed change, But it seemed for the better. We all became closer friends and helped each other through everything. Yet as grade five came to close and grade six went underway, we started to separate. People began forming groups and we all drifted apart. During and throughout grade six I began to hang out with different people and soon found myself wanting only to be with the "popular" group of people, as it seemed they had everything they would ever need and their lives were perfectly together...always.

Through the grade five school year we had an awesome time not only at school but hanging out at church on Sundays;In Sunday school we were learning about things in the Bible through watching roman candle fight videos and doing cool things with fire that no one but Justin Vanderham,would do with a group of kids as young as we were. It was then that I really began to read to my Bible and pray more. I really started to get into learning about the Creator of the universe. The following year we had another awesome Sunday school teacher Alison Adams. She didn't teach us using roman candle fight videos or fire but instead just hanging out and talking with us, as it was usually just Bethany, Jocelyn and Myself. The summer after grade six August 19 2008 to be exact, I accepted Christ and I experienced joy, happiness,love, peace, hope and so many other things like never before.

Grade seven brought new trials and new things to deal with yet nothing bugged me like it did before, I now had Christ to help me get through anything.
I can do anything through Him go gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Grade seven was the year everyone started to change, it was the year all the girls began to care more about boys then anything else and it led to fights between good friends. It was the year the boys started to experiment with drugs, school and friends soon became of less importance. Yet I stood firm and held on to Christ being careful to always look to Him for and through everything. I also began to realize that the people I wanted so badly to be 'friends' with indeed did not have their life perfectly together, they had only the materialistic things they needed and wanted such as food, water, shelter, clothes and the latest technology. But they didn't have peace like a river, Joy like a fountain and Love like an ocean, They didn't have Christ.

Grade eight was no different and it only got worse, It became even more about boys, drugs, materialistic things, money and lies. School, friends & family, things that actually meant something still became of less importance. It made me sad to see that all the things people didn't want to leave behind, the things that made people happy; Are all the things they are giving up to live a life style that will leave them even more lonely,unhappy and afraid then before.

The last year of middle school (Grade nine) is coming to an end very quickly. The reality that high school is only six months away, The realization of leaving a place I've come to know so well and moving to a place I've only seen once is coming to mind more and more day after day. Just this past week, we went on a 'tour' of Lord Beaverbrook High School. Sure people have told me how big it is and how confusing it can be But I didn't believe it until I was actually there. Its so big that at least three of my current school (David Thompson Middle School) can fit inside of it. All the halls look almost exactly the same which will make it quite easy to get lost my first few weeks there. There is over 2000 kids there and is said  to be the biggest high school in Calgary. Now at first I thought I would be terrified to move on to high school but as the topic came up more, as we got our grade nine grad. pictures, the guidance counsellors came to tell us about Beaverbrook and we went on the tour I found that I had a sense of peace about moving on and leaving everything so familiar behind.
At the beginning of all this transition i wasn't even sure if Beaverbrook was where i was supposed to go...but God has given peace about it and I feel as though this is where I am supposed to be.

As this year comes to an end and I prepare for the future. As i finish up the past amazing five years of middle school, As I begin to prepare for provincial exams starting in April, As I start to say good-bye to all the good friends I have made and thank all the teachers who have helped learn throughout the years; I am continuing to seek God and where He while have me go throughout high school, and the things He will have me do the rest of my life, Because He knows the plans He has for me.

Thanks to all of you who have helped grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even physically. I thank God for you often and I pray that he will continue to bless you, all the days of your life. You Rock! :) 

-xo Miranda Marie.